Saturday, May 07, 2011

strawberries, mother's day & a misunderstanding

today has been a wonderful mother's day eve. momma and i had fun picking strawberries together at carrigan farms this morning. the weather was beautiful!! perfect strawberry picking weather. :)

the fruits of our labors... quite literally.

today was quite the productive day: went strawberry picking, washed and packaged all the strawberries (3 gallons worth!), cleaned my room, changed the sheets on my bed, gave my bathroom a massive scrubbing down, took a shower, and ran a few more mother's day errands.

i am very excited about mother's day tomorrow. i love any excuse to give mom things. if you're looking for flowers i highly suggest trader joe's - lovely flowers for wonderful moms.

my mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. :) i love her the most of anyone in the whole world (well... other than daddy) and she is my very best friend. look how pretty she was on her wedding day. and she's just as pretty today. (lets hope i have my mom's genes!)

you should be so lucky to have a momma like mine. happy mother's day momma! i couldn't imagine a world without you - we have so much fun together. you're the best mother anyone could wish to have.

happy mother's day eve everybody! don't forget to make your mom feel special tomorrow!

and to close - a commercial that made me laugh yesterday.  "forty-two wild italians" "eagles? no! eco eco eco!"

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