Thursday, May 12, 2011

10 things about my week

#1: i added a reading list page to keep track of all the books i want to read.

#2: i updated my goals list and made it cuter.

#3: i got a new phone. my old one stopped charging, so i was out of a phone for about a week. after researching various options, i was able to get a new phone from walmart for $18.88 and verizon hooked it up to my account and transferred all my contacts to my new phone for free! its a nice phone too.. i like it. its a samsung gusto - basic, but works great for me. it looks like this. 

#4: my replacement copies of the count of monte cristo and the house of mirth finally came in the mail. i decided to go with hardback 2nd time around and i'm so glad i did. i love hardcover books.   

this also came in the mail today. i'm so excited to watch it with momma. i saw it in the theatres by myself and i adored it. love the soundtrack as well.

#5: i found a list i made up when i was starting up my blog. i had a scheduled post for every day to keep it interesting. how cute is that. too bad i didn't stick with it or this blog might actually be interesting. lol. i may start trying to follow it. i can't decide. but here's what it was:

New poem or quote
Bible verse

Movies with Momma (new one we saw plus old favorite)

New musical artists
Old favorites

New websites
Favorite Products

Book study

A fun weekend activity
Lust list

New Recipes 

#6: i've noticed that one thing my blog is seriously missing is posts about food, but what can i say - i don't have any time to cook or explore recipes. i work in the mornings and when i come home mom's busy using downstairs for her piano business and by the time its done it's dinner time then tv time then bedtime. someday though i will have a house of my own and time for such things. until then i might start posting fun recipes or pictures of food i see on other people's blogs. the good old "re-post" technique. 

#7: i have become a massive user of pinterest. its a fabulous way to keep track of things you like that you see on the world wide internets. i can't wait to have a use for going back and looking at all the home, wedding and kids pictures i've saved. also the tattoos. one day... one day.  beyond keeping track of your "pins" you can also follow other peoples, which is also fun. the interface looks like this:

its is by invitation only, but if you would like an invitation, i'd be happy to send a few out. let me know.

#8: i have been following american idol this season and although i don't think it lives up to the old times, this year has been much better than recent seasons. especially since it got to the top 6 i've really liked it. top 4 performances were last night and it was great. i like all of them, but my favorite is haley reinhart. she hasn't always been my favorite and still isn't my favorite personality but her voice by far is my favorite. i'd listen to her music if she made it. the other top 4, though great, are more generic in my opinion. here was one of her performances last night - loved it. 

#9: i stumbled across these lovely weddings.

click here to see the whole gallery.

click here to see the whole gallery.

#10: i love this article: parenting 001 by kevin deyoung. i have thought this for a while - that parenting is getting too complicated. actually i was going to start a blog a while back called "easy parenting" which would have a mix of kid friendly recipes, kids products and humor about parenting being easier than you think - but given that i am not married and do not have kids, i realized this was something to save for later years. but read the article. its hilarious and spot on.

and that is the end of the massive 10 things post. hope you are enjoying your thursday! i'm off to watch last night's top chef. why? because it had maroon 5 on it that's why! :)

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