Friday, April 29, 2011

a royal day

today was an exciting day! prince william and catherine middleton got married!

the miserable little flower girl (left) was hilarious.

and on top of the fun of the royal wedding, my friend liz had a most fantastic 4am royal wedding party this morning to watch it. if you haven't tried a 4am party, you should - it was a blast. tons of yummy foods from cinnamon rolls to waffles with fresh whipped cream to fruit and coffee cake. teas, juices, mimosas, coffee - everything was delicious. here are a few photos liz snapped.

the wedding was stunning from the hats and apparel to the beautiful westminster abbey, the boys choirs and music, and of course the lovely catherine. it was such a memory to watch it with lots of friends too. so fun.

the only bummer was i had to go to work afterwards when i really wanted to take a nap - but i got through my half-day of work and then napped earlier this afternoon. even being so tired, it was definitely worth getting up early this morning.

so, wonderful day in all. prince harry is still my favorite though.

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