Wednesday, April 06, 2011


i woke up singing stevie wonder. its a stevie wonder sort of day. i sang this song in front of the mirror while i did my hair this morning. it made me a little late.

i have also had this song stuck in my head today. it is one of my favorites.

on my happiest days i sing all day long. and at full volume if possible. i have been doing both today. (i save my loud singing for home, outside, and in the car. i think i would shock some people if i started belting out songs while i worked at my desk here at the office... idk maybe i should try it sometime. we'll see.)

as soon as i got to work and settled in i turned on stevie wonder pandora radio and its been keeping me company all day. love it.

midday i took a break to go pick up some free starbucks. free you ask? why yes. yesterday when i was in there with a friend, the power went out and they had to boot us out and lock the doors. to make up for it they said to come back tomorrow (today) and they'd give me a free drink. i was happy to take them up on the offer. i wanted coffee AND a smoothie - so i got both. one free, one bought.

iced grande decaf americano
strawberry banana vivanno smoothie

came back to the office, worked some more and now i'm heading home to soak in the sunshine and read a room with a view. i just started it but already i love it. it immediately gives you the feel that the movie does and is hilarious and very readable.

if you're inside - stop, go outside right now and enjoy the weather, if only for a few minutes. listen to good music, plan fun things to do, drink starbucks and read a good book. today is a happy day.

i am also happy because i've started planning my summer trip to the uk. i'm trying to figure out exactly what that will look like but i am determined to do it! i need a nice long trip and where better than to my favorite place on earth!

oh and even though i'm not personal friends with jeremy current, i am excited about his project and every time i check his kickstarter and see his money raised number has gone up, it makes me excited... and he's raised $350 since yesterday. booyah! keep that up peoples and he'll definitely make it to $6,000!

to end, i will leave you with the most awesome thing i've seen today. happy wednesday!

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