God does not put heavy burdens on weak shoulders. God educates and tests our faith by trials that increase in proportion to our faith. God expects us to do adult work and to endure adult afflictions only after we have reached a mature status in Christ Jesus. Therefore, beloved, expect your trials to multiply as you proceed toward heaven.
Do not think that as you grow in grace your path will become smoother and the sky calmer and clearer. Quite the contrary. As God gives you greater skill as a soldier of the cross, He will send you on more difficult missions. As He more fully equips your ship to sail in storms, He will send you on longer voyages to more boisterous seas, so that you may honor him and increase in holy confidence.
You would think that in Abraham's old age - after he had come to the land of Beulah, after the birth of Isaac, and especially after the expulsion of Ishmael - he would have had a time of rest. But "it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham" (Gen. 22:1). Let Abraham's story warn us to never plan on a rest from trials this side of the grave.
The trumpet still plays the notes of war. You cannot sit down and put the victory wreath on your head. You do not have a crown. You still must wear the helmet and carry the sword. You must watch, pray, and fight. Expect your last battle to be the most difficult, for the enemy's fiercest charge is reserved for the end of the day.
(from "Beside Still Waters" by C.H. Spurgeon)
At first glance these truths can be disheartening. Often we are struggling and trying to find comfort that the trial will soon pass or that life will get easier. We think, "I have been working so long for the Lord in this area - I'm bound for a relief and a rest soon!". But we find that the struggles don't subside, that life in some ways seems to just get more difficult, not less. We start to wonder if God is really there or if His plan is good or maybe He just forgot about us for a bit. But this devotional reminds us of a key fact - this life is not meant for rest. We may look around and see the majority of the world delighting in things of this world and seeming to have it pretty easy - and they do. For non-Christians, this world is all they've got. For the Christian this life is not what we are living for, but simply part of a journey.
Remembering that we are not here for rest, but to grow to be more like Christ and to serve Him is so encouraging to me because it sets my mind in the right perspective. If I am always expecting rest and ease and yet get struggles and work, I will be most discontent. BUT, if I have the right perspective, if I know that now is "war" as the devotional called it and that in this war there will be many difficulties and trials then I should be content and though I may struggle and suffer in the trial I will be spared the greatest suffering - doubting God. Everything that comes at me I will know is perfectly allotted for me by my loving Father and so even if its difficult, I can live with joy and charge on through life with faith because I know that my victory, my rest and my ultimate joy awaits me in Heaven.
What an encouragement this is! That no matter what the circumstances of your life may be, you will always have the Lord by your side and you need never to doubt Him or His plan. Contentment regardless of circumstance.
Also, if you look around and feel like you seem to have harder trials and more difficulties than some people, even Christians, you can be encouraged because,"God does not put heavy burdens on weak shoulders". If you have a heavy trial you must take that the Lord is growing you and that you have strong shoulders, bearing harder things for His sake and His glory - and as such, for your ultimate joy. Someone that has never known of trial or difficulty does not know or trust the Lord in the same way as someone who is in trial. If we learn to think of trials as a great blessing, meant for our good, God's glory and our joy - then we will stop complaining about the trial and instead live with faith and contentment in God's plan for us!
So, be encouraged. Trust God. Be content for He is growing you to be more like Christ (and that is never a bad thing). And look towards heaven where our Savior, ultimate joy, and victory's wreath awaits!
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