Monday, April 18, 2011

3 days to go

3 days to go for jeremy current's fundraising for his new album! he's raised $4,998 so far.... only $1,002 to go! i know i've mentioned this before on here, but if you haven't yet pledged.. help him out! it would be so sad to come this close and not make the last $1,000... so do your part to make this album happen!

here's a new video promoting his cd and the upcoming show and cd release event this friday night at the neighborhood theatre. so watch the video below, make a pledge, and make sure to check out his concert friday night!

for more details and to pledge click here.

Jeremy Current | Dark Land of the Sun from Jon Muedder on Vimeo.

the beach continues to be fantastic. sun's been shining bright! we are all definitely sunburnt. we have enjoyed having my sister kat and her husband david join us for the past 3 days (they head home tonight). i can't believe mom, dad, parker & i get to stay for 5 more days! it already seems like we've been here a while.

in book news i finished a room with a view and i loved it as much as i do the movie. there were a few differences but overall the book and the movie are very similar. it was a fun read. i haven't decided what i'm going to read next... maybe i'll take a break from classics and read the 6th harry potter. i was reading through the harry potter series again a while ago and dropped off from it. we'll see what strikes my fancy. i started piper's finally alive on the beach today. its good so far. i've only read the intro and first chapter but it seems like it will make for an interesting read.

well i'm off to watch a movie with the family. i'll leave you with a few more beach photos. happy monday!

Oh no, I blinked! - Parker

Monday sunset

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