Thursday, February 10, 2011

february reading: jane eyre

boooooks. love them. unfortunately as i've gotten older television and movies have taken their place the majority of the time. tv and film has a place but it definitely cannot replace books. books stimulate the imagination, grow your vocabulary, and refresh you in a way that watching something never can.

so going along with goal no. 2 of reading more classic novels i have decided this month i'm going to read this book:

jane eyre by charlotte bronte

i'm sure i read this in the course of high school and its always been a favorite story of mine but its been a while since i've read it.

it also works out well because the new movie version of jane eyre is coming out in a month, so hopefully i can finish reading this before i go see the movie.

if you would like to join me in reading it, you are more than welcome.

jane eyre is a classic that has been re-done (movie-wise) many many times. just check out the list of different jane eyre's on imdb (click here). but amidst all those different listings there are several that are my favorites. check them out.

jane eyre (1943)

first there is the 1943 version with orson welles and joan fontaine. this one is just a classic.

click here to watch the trailer.

jane eyre (1983)

then there's the jeremy dalton bbc version. classic bbc.

click here to watch the trailer.

jane eyre (1996)

this version is one of the main ones i remember growing up. it was a favorite.

click here to watch the trailer.

jane eyre (1997)

a&e's version. i can't remember this one majorly but i know i've seen it and liked it.

jane eyre (2006)

and most recently was the masterpiece theatre version which was excellent. i love toby stephens. i was not familiar with the actress ruth wilson who played jane eyre, but she was one of my most favorite jane eyres to date.

so after all these wonderful versions i'm eager to see how the new one matches up. march 11th can't come soon enough!

jane eyre (2011)

click here for the trailer and clips and head on over to the official jane eyre movie website for more details.

love it when they make new versions of classics... 29 days to go! man looking at all these movie versions of jane eyre makes me excited to go back and read the original story. i'll keep you updated on my progress. lets see if i can get this read by march 11. doubt it'll happen but we can hope!

thanks for reading!

listening to: 

blackout: britney spears

(sad i know but i listened to this the whole time i created this post. lol. i actually adore britney spears newer music... i highly underrate her in my mind until i actually listen to her. ha.)

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