Wednesday, February 16, 2011

favorite website: paper+cup

another one of my favorite websites is

not only to i think they have the most fabulous website design ever, their products are awesome.

(one)  they have fun stationery and cards...

(two)  they also have beautiful wedding invitations...

(three)  and then fun things like journals and such....

(four)  they also have the most adorable child which you can see in their promo video below.

Paper + Cup Design from David Land on Vimeo.

(five)  and a fabulous blog that you should follow.

so head on over to their website and take a look around! :) 

in other news:

*i'm a few chapters into jane eyre and loving it. fabulous book. i do need to pick up the pace though if i'm going to finish it by the time the new movie comes out. i think i'll read it today when i go home from work. 

*also i have been taking early morning walks with my dog, parker, before i go to work and we have really enjoyed those... its still so cold in the morning though.. brr! but - news flash! i have found the most fantastic head collar (one of these: to walk parker with. he's a puppy and i'm trying to teach him to walk well and not yank me around.. but he's a strong little thing and even though he was doing OK i thought. hmmm i wonder if i could find anything that could help more.. and i found the above. the first time i used it i was shocked (and kind of still am) at how well it worked. the difference is amazing. if you have a dog that pulls at all you definitely need one of these. best thing is.. its only around $15 at petsmart. the head collar is a lot gentler than the choke collar i was using before and has made our walks much more pleasant. delightful!

*mom and i did get over to see "gnomeo & juliet" on monday and thoroughly enjoyed it. would highly recommend. i didn't get out to see "blue valentine" though monday evening.. so i still need to see that.

well i hope your wednesday is going well! have a fabulous rest of the day and keep warm! 

<3, Charlotte

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