Monday, April 04, 2011

this & that

sorry that it has been several days since i have posted. the main reason for this is that my macbook friend (chantelle is her name if you must know) has been at the apple store and i have not had her in my company since last friday. as such i have found less inclination to be on the computer as i have had to use the household windows computer... which isn't near as much fun.

in any case, several things have happened over the last few days, none so interesting, but i thought i might as well tell you about them.

no. 1:  my macbook
as i mentioned above, on friday i left my macbook at the apple store to be fixed. it had some cracked plastic along the edges and there was a crack in the top. luckily the apple genius bar attendant was kind enough to mark my screen down for replacement, even though he technically didn't have to. i am grateful for this because the crack in the top of my mac (where this crack came from i don't know) was getting larger and starting to compromise the screen inside. also it was ugly. they were also kind enough to have it set to be shipped back to my home after its fixed. i never go in the direction of south park so this was quite an excitement for me. laugh at me as you like.. i don't like going towards south park.

no. 2:  jane eyre (the movie)
as i had to go to south park to the apple store on friday, mom and i made a little adventure of it and jane eyre happened to be showing at the manor house theatre on providence road, so after dropping my mac off we headed over there for the 2:00 showing. it was SO good. i can't wait until it comes out nationwide (as i hope it will!) so i can go see it again. it was everything i expected and having just finished reading the book that is quite a feat. obviously in a 2 hour movie you can't cover every single part of the story thoroughly, and in this version they chose to mainly focus on the dynamics and relationship between edward rochester (played by michael fassbender) and jane eyre (mia wasikowska).

jane's background and some characters suffered from lack of development, but they captured the heart of the story and the feel of it and as such pleased me greatly. if you were not familiar with the story, i don't think it would have as much depth, but if you have read the story you will love it and it will not suffer for where it fails to portray some things on the screen your memory will fill in the empty bits. i really couldn't have imagined better chemistry between the two main characters - it is exactly how i read it in the book. the only fault i have to lay at  it is that if you are going to be completely accurate to the book, the actors they chose to play rochester and jane are far too beautiful. jane is described as being exceptionally plain and rochester, though fit, as being hard looking and not handsome at all. they did a good job making the actors look plain and hard (each in respect to their characters) but you can as much make a lovely person look truly plain as you can make an ugly person beautiful. it just can't be done. see? they are far too nice looking.

in any case, who ever complained about actors being too pretty. it may stray a slight bit from the book, but it worked well for the movie. so- if you haven't seen it and it is still showing in the theatres - go see it!! it is well worth the money and truly lives up well to the book. i cried in reading the book and i cried during the movie. loved it.

no. 3:  HOP (the movie)
mom and i usually go to the movies on mondays if there's one worth seeing - its sort of a thing of ours- and today we saw HOP. we thoroughly enjoyed it. i love russell brand (who is the voice of the bunny). it was also funny to me that russell brand would be involved in a children's movie and rated PG. his humor was much modified and made appropriate for this film (lol), but still very much enjoyable. if you want a light cheerful and funny eastery movie - go see it. it may not win any awards but it will brighten your afternoon and make you smile.

no. 4:  pride & prejudice
this afternoon i finished pride and prejudice while sitting on the porch enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having. i really enjoyed reading it. i have long enjoyed the 5-hour a&e version of the pride and prejudice (we have it all on VHS.. ha!) and after reading the book i have even more of an appreciation for that version, for it is almost line for line.

last night i enjoyed watching the last 3 episodes of the old version with my mom and dad. it was fun to watch an old family favorite. we're so busy watching and finding new movies to watch sometimes we don't find time to go back and watch old favorites, so it was a special treat. even dad enjoyed it. haha.

soon i want to watch the new version of pride & prejudice as well. i know a lot of people don't like the new version with keira knightley - but not me.. i love it! and i can't wait to watch it again and see how it lives up to the book.

no. 5:  a room with a view

next up i'm going to read a room with a view by e.m. forster. a favorite movie of mine, i am really looking forward to see how the book is. i'll let you know how i like it.

no. 6:  starbucks

i have applied for a second time at starbucks. they are always accepting applications, but i don't think they are hiring at the moment - but i hope that will change! i love working at the church part-time in the morning, but i could use full-time salary. my hope is that i can get a part-time job to work in the afternoon/evening at starbucks working as a barista which won't interfere with my morning work at the church. i love starbucks and i think of all places i would enjoy working there... and the perks and employee discount are always a plus! so pray if they do decide to hire someone that they hire me!

and that's about it. hope you all have a wonderful week! i may or may not post again before my mac is returned to me. we shall see. ta!

1 comment:

  1. can't remember her name at the moment - but i LOVE the girl that is playing jane. she was in 'i capture the castle' too. & i loved it :)
