Friday, April 22, 2011

last day

today is the last full day we have here at the beach - we leave tomorrow afternoon. it has been a fantastic beach vacation. on monday it felt like we had had a great beach trip, but then we got tues, wed, thurs, and today (fri) as well. what a treat. its been a while since we've had a full week at the beach.

the sun has been bright and shining and we've been able to be on the beach every day, reading, playing beach games, walking and laying out. it has been so relaxing. parker continues to wake up at 6am - even on vacation - but it was actually a plus though because i have seen the sunrise on the beach every single morning this week. that never would have happened before. the beach has been so beautiful this week.

wednesday sunrise

wednesday sunset

thursday sunrise

thursday sunset (a bit cloudy)

today's sunrise

beach reading: 

i have been really encouraged this week, taking time each morning to read my Bible and other books. i love that i am not sad about leaving the beach and going home tomorrow. i love my life and i am thankful that the Lord has given me contentment in the little things. i have loved being at the beach and getting away but it'll be good to get home and get back on a schedule.

here are a few things i read today:

Psalm 16  
Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you." As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips. The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me; because his at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.

LAID ASIDE FOR A TIME.   Exodus 3:1 
This is counsel for you who are temporarily laid on the shelf. Some of God's best workers have been laid aside for long periods. Moses was forty years in the desert, doing nothing but tending sheep. One greater than Moses, our blessed Savior, was thirty years doing - I will not say nothing, but certainly doing no public work.
When you are retired or inactive, prepare for the time when God will use you again. If you are put on the shelf, do not rust; pray that the Master will polish you, so that when He uses you again you will be fully ready for the work.
While you are laid aside, I want you top ray for others that are working. Help them and encourage them. Do not get into that peevish, miserable frame of mind that grudges and undervalues other's efforts. Some people, when they cannot do anything, do not like anybody else to work. Promise that if you cannot help, you will never hinder. Spend time in prayer, that you may be fit for the Master's use.
At the siege of Gibraltar, when the fleet surrounded it and determined to storm the old rock, the governor fired red-hot shot down on the men-of-war. The enemy did not care for the governor's warm reception. Think how it was don. Here were gunners on the ramparts firing away, and ever garrison soldier wanted to join them. What did those who could not fire a gun do? They heated the shot. And that is what you must do. 
You pastor is the master gunner, so heat the shot for him with your earnest prayers. When you see your friends working for God, if you cannot join them, say, "Never mind. If I can contribute nothing else, my prayers will heat the shot."
(from Beside Still Waters by C. H. Spurgeon)

this devotional above was an encouragement to me, because by the grace of God, He has helped me to this place. for a long time after my mission 28 internship, i felt useless. transitioning out of a missions focused job was a very hard process for me and at times i still feel the change. even on the very very hard days doing missions work, there is an undeniable feeling that what you are working for is worth it; that you are doing the right thing. hard days with normal work doesn't feel quite the same. as a secretary i staple stuff, answer phones, sort mail and a random assortment of little tasks that make up my work day. i'm not sharing the gospel with anyone, i'm not doing anything that anyone is really going to notice. but the Lord has shown me that this season of waiting and resting is good. He has brought me contentment and i am so thankful for it. i have a great steady job, a wonderful house to live in, my mom and dad and parker and wonderful friends.

reading this was also a good reminder for me to not get comfortable. i am very glad the Lord has helped me get settled into this slower, quieter life, but at the same time i am simply "on the shelf" i haven't been permanently stored away. i need to hold everything loosely and make sure i don't "rust". what a sad thing it would be that after my desire for missions that i would get too attached to "normal" life and when missions presents itself again, that i would be to selfish to change things up. my prayer is to always be ready, open and expectant to whatever the Lord calls me to do or wherever He wants to send me.

on the fiction front i've been re-reading harry potter and the half-blood prince. i love the potter books. this is my 3rd or 4th time through them i think.

well i'm off to enjoy the rest of my dayhope you all have been having a great week!

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