Tuesday, March 29, 2011

moats and boats and waterfalls

hello! the weather is still a bit more brisk than it has been, but the sun is out, the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, a new macbook charger is on its way and today feels much better all around than yesterday.

today i thought i'd mention some new music i've been listening to recently. i have fallen in love with edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros. this is them:

i had heard of them off and on for a while, especially their song "home" (listen to it here), but i hadn't really paid attention. as i've mentioned in an early post, there was a rainy day during my spring break trip to florida during which a group of musical people gathered under the overhang of the porch and played their instruments. amoung the songs played was "home". when i got home i decided to check out the rest of the music by edward sharpe and it was my lucky day because amazon mp3 downloads store had the whole cd on sale for $5. i went ahead and got it and i'm so glad i did. i love it. i especially love the song "home" but the rest are fabulous as well. check them out... you'll be glad you did.

there is also this cute cover of the song done by a father and his daughter. the girl is a little diva, but its still cute. (don't believe me... check out some of their other videos. lol.)

also on a personal note... my best friend mindy is pregnant!!! i'm going to be an auntie! i'm so excited. if you don't already, you can follow her blog here.

i am also about 21 chapters into pride and prejudice (about 1/3 of the way through) and enjoying it. last night i pulled out the old version of p&p on VHS (lol) and watched the first episode. i have so many fond memories of the colin firth/jennifer ehle version. it was so much fun to watch it again. i was going to wait until i finished p&p to watch the movie versions - but i can't wait. i think i'm going to watch the episodes as i read them in the book. i already have an idea for the next book i'm going to read though! i'm going to read e.m. forster's "room with a view". it is one of my favorite movies but i've never even peaked at the novel... so that's next.

well i'm off for a walk with my little dog to take advantage of this beautiful weather before another rainstorm hits later this week! have a great tuesday!

and i'll leave you with this FANTASTIC video. a friend posted it on facebook and it made my day. enjoy!

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