Wednesday, February 09, 2011

favorite website: fred flare is one of my more favorite website on the internets. why? because...

(one)  they have bacon band-aids. paper cut? thats okay.. just slap some bacon on it.

also bacon wrapping paper. they understand that bacon makes everything better.

(two)  if that isn't enough to make you check it out, then take a gander at these: 

handerpants fingerless gloves ... you know you want some.

(three)  for the fashionistas.

(four)  for the horticulturists.

(five)  and for the alcoholics.

screw you corkscrew (this makes me laugh) 

so - if that wasn't enough to get you over to look at their fabulous wares.. i really don't know what will.

on another note..  

things i'm excited about today:

i heard today that iron & wine, a favorite group of mine is coming to town in april. super fun. details here.

i got one of these at petsmart today which i think will make training parker (my dog) to walk without pulling a much easier task. i also got a real cow femur bone for parker to chew which will hopefully last a good deal longer than the 9 rawhide bones that he is currently going through each week... saving me $$$.

twitter. i'm using it regularly for the first time and i really like it. i don't have anything worthwhile to say but feel free to follow me.

and finally i am excited about this saturday's snl. the combination of russell brand's humor and snl will be fantastic. check out the promo here.

hope you're having a fantastic day, keeping warm and enjoying life. if you are one of the many sick peoples out there.. GET BETTER and drink up that nyquil.. one of sickness's rare upsides.

thanks for reading! ta!

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